Are humans bonkers? Bad breeding creates ugliest dog and then we give the owner an award!

Badly bred English bulldog

There is so much that is crappy about this example of human behaviour in relation to pets. Bad breeding of both cats and dogs can produce some pretty distressing anatomical distortions. For cats Persians get the accolade: overshot jaws and bulging eyeballs. A nine-year-old bulldog, Zsa Zsa, shown below won this years World’s Ugliest …

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What Are the Signs of an Inbred Cat?

Penelope- inbred Persian dumped at cat shelter

Cat inbreeding causes what is described as “inbreeding depression” which is another term for general weakness. Robinson’s Genetics for Breeders and Veterinarians provides a list of signs of inbreeding depression which are as follows: There may be a decline in birth weight. The kittens may be small, thin or lethargic. The kittens may demonstrate …

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Mass spaying and neutering might leave us with less nice cats

Sweet kitten

“..the widespread adoption of early neutering by the most responsible cat owners risks pushing the domestic cat genetics back gradually towards the wild, away from their current domesticate state.” (Dr Bradshaw of Cat Sense) Humans selectively breed purebred cats mainly for their glamorous appearance. We almost never selectively breed random bred cats (moggies). However, …

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Cat Breed Mistakes

I list what I consider to be cat breed mistakes by which I mean cat breeds or developments that should not have got off the drawing board. Strictly speaking these breeds should not exist but this is a personal view. Many people disagree and I accept that. I focus on high profile examples. There …

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Huge Maine Coon

This is a huge and handsome Maine Coon. His name is Gizmo. He wins lots of prizes at cat show which is predictable as he is so special. His size is slightly unreal. When he behaves like a cat and swats the cat tease held by the judge, Jean-Marc Lagarde from France, it seems …

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Neutering Stalls the Domestication of the Cat

The domestication of the cat is an ongoing process. Domestication still takes place. The domestic cat is still very close to the wild cat in terms of behaviour and its genetic make up because, it is believed, that about 15 or 20 genes separate domestic cats from their wild relatives. Dr John Bradshaw1 of …

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Toyger Takes Off in Popularity

The Toyger is a “Frankencat”, so said an American television presenter. He was being impolite. He was referring to hybrid cats. The Toyger is a hybrid cat. Hybrid cats are nearly always man or woman-made; a human creation. When hybrid cats are also domestic cats they are sometimes referred to as “exotic cats”. They …

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