Picture of gargoyle modern Siamese cat

Modern Siamese cat

This is a picture of a modern Siamese cat. Some people don’t like me using the word “modern” in relation to this cat breed. For them, the elongated face of the Siamese cat combined with the super-slender figure is normal. This is what is expected of the Siamese cat. The world has come to …

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Are long-haired cats more mild-mannered?

Ragdoll with fierce face

This is an interesting question because it suggests that there might be a link between the length of a domestic cat’s hair and their personality. To answer the question I think you have to do look at random bred cats and purebred cats separately. The question is curtailed because it is meant to be …

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Bombay cat health issues

Bombay cat and shoes

Like many purebred cats (all purebred cats?) the Bombay cat has some health issues. I am referring to genetically inherited conditions. Firstly, I will quote verbatim from what I consider to be the best book on inherited genetic diseases in purebred cats, namely, Medical, Genetic and Behavioural Aspects of Purebred Cats edited by Ross …

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Average life expectancy of a Siamese cat

Modern Siamese

As this is an imprecise science I don’t believe that you can provide a confident answer to a question about the life expectancy of a Siamese cat. However, there are clear indications that the Siamese cat’s life expectancy is shorter than average. It is similar to that of the contemporary Persian cat. Both these …

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You can selectively breed hypoallergenic cats

Genuine Siberian cat in Siberia. Photo by Alla Lebedeva

I have just written about a study in which the scientists found that individual cats are hypoallergenic (the link opens in a new tab). They refer to cat breeds but I don’t have access to the study details. I don’t believe that specific cat breeds other than the Siberian are hypoallergenic but breeders would …

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