Animal sentience paves the way for dog and cat support payments on divorce

Under Spanish law, dogs and cats are sentient beings and therefore a court can make an order for the caregiving of a dog in divorce proceedings when the animal goes to live with either party

When the animal welfare laws of any country state that companion animals are sentient beings, it is a great leap forward in animal rights which is clearly apparent in a recent divorce case from Spain where the reform of the Animal Welfare Act in 2021 ensured that animals are regarded as sentient beings and …

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2 US states where lawyers represent animal victims in criminal cases

Lawyer in court

NEWS AND COMMENT: The New York Post tells me that, currently, there are two states in the United States where a lawyer represents the animal in animal cruelty cases in their passage through the criminal court. They act as the voice of the animal. Their role is to report to the court on the …

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True or false? Afghan animal airlift only added to our national shame.

The cats and dogs on their way to Kabul airport

In a letter to The Times, Kate Nicholls of Seaford, East Sussex, UK, stated that she passionately believes that Mr Farthing’s (Nowzad) evacuation of cats and dogs from Kabul was a highly improper act which brings shame on Great Britain. She said that she read the news with “utter disbelief”. She also said that …

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3 reasons why you might lose your cat to your neighbour

Outside cat

We know that we don’t truly own our domestic cat companions. We might think that we possess them but we don’t even do that if they are allowed outside. This is the correct state of affairs as cats are sentient beings and the best description of our relationship is not one of ownership but …

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