Why do small cats (domestic, caracals, servals, etc.) have pointed ears and big cats (lion, tiger, cheetah, etc.) have rounded ones? Is there an adaptive function to the ear shape?

Stryker the Cat is a serval not an F1 Savannah cat

The question in the title is malformed. It is inaccurate but I have taken it direct from quora.com. For a start, the caracal and serval are not small cats. They are medium-sized wild cats. Also, a genuinely small cat which happens to be a cute-looking wild cat, the sand cat, has enormous and round …

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Pet serval is like a domestic cat on steroids

Serval living in an apartment wants to escape

It is distressing to learn once again of another pet serval escaping. This time a man who appears to be in his 30s living in an apartment adopted a serval. I am sorry but he is living in a standard apartment and he thinks it is okay to have a pet serval. It is …

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Do servals eat frogs and fish?

Servals eat frogs and fish and enjoy hunting in wetlands

Yes, servals eat frogs and fish. The serval has a preference for wetland habitats and therefore it is unsurprising that they hunt in water and don’t mind getting their feet wet (Wild Cats of the World). Captive servals deftly hook live fish out of water and in the wild servals have been seen hunting …

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