Why do servals have big ears and short tails?

Seval big ears short tail

The answer is fairly straightforward. They have big ears because most of their hunting takes place in long grass detecting small mammals with their ears. They can pick up the sound of prey travelling through the undergrowth with their highly sensitive ears and huge ocelli (ear flaps). The serval’s long legs go with their …

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How many cats and which species?

This is a bit of fun (mainly).  Light-heartedness after some heavyish stuff. There is a photo on Facebook taken by the Savannah Cat Shoppe called “Serval Cat’s photo” meaning a photo of serval cats. It is also captioned “All seven”. It may have been taken with a mobile phone. It is an interesting photo. Initially, …

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Servals are solitary

Photo above of Morpheus by Michael. He lives at A1 Savannahs, OK, USA and is a breeding male serval whose role is to create more servals for sale. His mate is Penelope. These are thumbnails – all are copyright Helmi Flick– please respect copyright Overview of Serval as a Wild Cat See the links …

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