Killing shelter cats and dogs is a choice not a necessity

Killing shelter cats and dogs is a choice not a necessity

Nathan Winograd, perhaps American’s greatest animal advocate today (2022), states that “shelter killing is a choice”. He firmly believes that shelters do not need to kill their cats and dogs provided they have used all the methods at their disposal to save their lives. However, sadly, he sees excuses for killing shelter animals and …

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Should people take a written test before adopting a cat or dog?

Cat rescue kittens waiting for an adopter

In order to raise the standard of cat and dog ownership (guardianship) Melbourne Council in Australia are proposing that people who want to adopt a pet take a written test to ensure that they are suitable. I don’t know whether this only applies to adopting from an animal shelter or whether it applies to …

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In Los Angeles you will be able to keep a pet cat or dog that you find

LA Animal Services

An extraordinary proposal has been made by the general manager of animal services in Los Angeles, Brenda Barnette. On 23 May 2017 her proposal was approved by the Animal Services Commission. Her proposal is that if a person finds someone’s pet, most commonly a cat or dog, they will be allowed to keep it …

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Happy Ending For Dog Pictured Being Dragged Along By Rowan County Animal Control Officer

In a recent article by Elisa on the concerns regarding animal welfare at Rowan County Animal Control, a photograph showed a dog being dragged along rough tarmaced ground by his neck with an animal grasper. The person dragging the dog appears to be an animal control officer. It is believed that this dog is …

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