Herman the Cat – WWII US Coast Guard mouser

Herman the Cat a US Coast Guard ship's cat during WWII

I have to mention Herman the US Coast Guard mouser cat who was issued with a passport during World War II. He was officially commissioned into the service in 1943. His task as stated was to control the rodent population. He was a celebrity ship’s cat as he made the news at the time. …

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American Shorthair cat ‘Piper’ and one other, both silver tabbies

American Shorthair cat Piper

I believe that the American Shorthair is an underrated purebred cat. This is a cat with a long American history, similar to the more famous Maine Coon. This was a cat of American barns, a kind of working cat; a moggy to use the vernacular. They were and still are to be honest street …

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Ernest Shackleton personally killed the ship’s cat

Sir Ernest Shackleton (15 February 1874 – 5 January 1922) was a famous polar explorer. He led three British expeditions to the Antarctic. He failed to become the first to reach the south pole. That honour went to Amundsen a Norwegian who used dogs in 1911. Shackleton was knighted for getting to within 112 miles of …

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Trim: A Brave, Seafaring Cat

I have just read about Trim, a ship’s cat. A book was written about him by his human companion, Matthew Flinders, who was a navigator, catographer, scientist and the commander of ships including the Investigator, a worn-out ship in which he circumnavigated Australia to map it. Flinders is one of the great figures of …

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Cats in the Navy

By Elisa Black-Taylor Cats have likely been at sea since the time when ancient Egyptians walked the earth. This leads me to believe cats have sailed on long voyages and proven their worth for thousands of years now. Not just during war times, but on trade ships as well. It’s quite unlikely any ship …

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