Siamese cats sold for snake food at flea market near Mission, Texas

Mission, Texas, on the US-Mexico border: In a disturbing photograph on the Yaqui Animal Rescue Facebook webpage, it seems as if someone is selling unwanted cats to customers for food at a flea market. ‘Food’ appears to mean snake food. There are 13 cats stuffed into a cage. They can barely move. Some of …

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Are Siamese cats more aggressive than other cats?

Siamese and Oriental cats

A small-scale study conducted in Norway came to the conclusion that one in ten Siamese cats were regularly aggressive towards people, compared to one in twenty random bred cats and one in sixty Persian cats. In this study the cats’ personalities were recorded by their owners rather than objectively observed by a third party. …

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Siamese Cat Breeder Mishandles His Cat

Are you as surprised as me at this photo from a 1952 cat show? Is it cat cruelty? It is close to it. The person carrying the cats would probably say that he does it all the time and nothing ever happens. He’d probably say his cats like it. It is still wrong. Is …

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Cat Breed Standards Have Changed

In 1903, the cat fancy in England – probably the only cat fancy of the time – considered that the purebred, pedigree cat had a standard set of anatomical features that applied across the board. It made no difference if the cat was short or long haired or whatever cat breed. They all had …

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