Domestic cat patience is an asset. Infographic.

We take it for granted: the enormous patience of our domestic cat companions. But it is a great asset for the domestic cat in their need to adapt to the human environment in which they are obliged to live. Particularly so when they are full-time indoor cats where often even the patience of the …

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Do feral cats sleep as much as domestic cats?

Feral cat pictures

I’m sure that you can answer the question without much thought. Common sense dictates that feral cats do not sleep as much as domestic cats. The reason: they have to survive on their wits. They have to be alert. They have to find their food (non-TNR cats!). There is less time to relax and …

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Do cats’ paws fall asleep?

Why no pins-and-needles!?

In other words, do cats get pins-and-needles in their feet? We don’t know the answer for sure. We can guess pretty accurately, though, that cats don’t get pins-and-needles in their paws and lower legs – the area below the hock. You won’t find scholarly articles on this but there will be anecdotal evidence. My …

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