The Times newspaper criticises Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran for adopting Scottish Fold cats

At last! I’ve been writing about this as have other online authors for many years. It’s actually a well-known problem but it is the first time in my recollection that a mainstream newspaper of the quality of The Times has written about the problem on page 3. It concerns the cartilage problems suffered by …

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“Childless Cat Lady” Taylor Swift has the followers on Instagram (284 million) to potentially slightly tilt the presidential election vote towards Kamala Harris

Taylor Swift and Benjamin Button her famous Ragdoll cat who makes more money allegedly than 99 per cent of Instagram influencers ($100m net worth allegedly)

On her Instagram pages, Taylor Swift has signed off as a “childless cat lady” in taking the mickey out of J.D. Vance who denigrated both independent ladies living with cats and the cats themselves when he described them as being unhappy. There was an avalanche of criticism and he’s not recovered despite backtracking considerably …

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Cat ownership blocks dinner party invite

AITA for not inviting someone for dinner because she made a big deal out of how she doesn’t eat at the homes of people who have cats?

A female cat owner did not invite a ‘friend’ (let’s say acquaintance), Rose, to her dinner party because she knew that Rose did not eat at homes where there were domestic cats. Simple, and many would argue sensible not to invite her. In fact, to invite Rose would have been perverse. Nothing to discuss …

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Girl committed suicide after reading suicide Q&A on

Depressed girl of 14. This is a model and the photo was set up. is currently being favoured by Google’s search engine under a new algorithm because it’s a large site with constantly renewed and refreshed content by the users and members of that well-funded website. As a consequence, it has been elevated with a sharply increased number of hits. The Times reports on Saturday June 8th …

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Animal exploitation videos on social media platforms are a concern

'Dog eating lemon trick' on TikTok

Animal exploitation videos on social media platforms have become a concerning issue. A report by the Asia for Animals Social Media Animal Cruelty Coalition (SMACC) revealed the shocking scope of such videos posted on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Facebook. Between July 2020 and August 2021, they identified 5,480 individual links to videos of …

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25% of 10–18-year-old kids in UK exposed to animal cruelty. Restrictions needed.

Kids on smartphones accessing social media platforms where they are likely to see animal cruelty content that should not be there

The RSPCA have, at last, caught on to the fact that social media is provoking or encouraging kids to engage in animal cruelty. It’s a complicated issue but essentially the RSPCA is saying that children “torture animals for likes on social media”. Tell me something new. This has been an issue for years. Millions …

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