Expose fraudulent sellers of purebred kittens with reverse image search

Use reverse image search to expose scamming sellers of purebred kittens on the internet

There are scamming (fraudulent) cat breeders on social media and other internet websites. It is usually social media sites where people claim to be breeders selling purebred cats of various breeds at high prices. These scammers operate by taking money up front and not delivering the kitten. They disappear off the radar after they’ve …

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Amazon driver who made friends with a cat rightly becomes an Internet social media celebrity

Amazon driver is touched by the praise that he received for his friendship with a cat that he met on his delivery rounds

This is a cross-post because I think this young man, Evan Snow, deserves some celebrity. He is by a conventional view an ordinary bloke. Just an Amazon delivery driver like many others. But within the ordinary there is the extraordinary. In my opinion the ordinary person often needs far more praise and celebrity (which …

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‘Kimbo’ another underexercised and obese pet caracal who overeats because he is bored

Kimbo is obese and obesity brings many health problems

Kimbo is another pet caracal – an exotic pet. They are popular on social media platforms. Sometimes I think people purchase a pet caracal so that they can become a celebrity on social media through their cat’s celebrity. See vicarious celebrity, In fact, I’m sure this is what is happening. The only pet caracals …

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Social media celebrity biking couple Travis and Sigrid involved in RTA

Travis and Sigrid knocked off their bike by a passing motorcyclist at traffic lights in London traffic resulting in him being criticised on social media for, I guess, endangering his cat.

Temporarily, the celebrity of the biking couple Travis and Sigrid came crashing to the ground in a road traffic accident. It resulted in thousands of criticisms of Travis Nelson on social media which is the exact opposite to what he would like to see. You may have bumped into Travis and Sigrid on your …

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Volunteer animal shelter worker banned for criticising the shelter on Facebook

Girard a volunteer at an animal shelter was dismissed for speaking out on Facebook

NEWS AND OPINION: This is a story about an animal shelter volunteer whistleblower who was banned from the shelter. It is about ‘gagging’. And it has happened before, quite a lot in the US. Rhonda Girard was a volunteer at the Beaumont Animal Care shelter. She criticised the shelter management on her Facebook page …

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Stepan is a celebrity Ukrainian blogging cat and influencer from Kharkiv

Stephan surrounded by decorative pillows which are for sale at his online store.

Stepan in a remarkable cat in many ways. He appears to be a very passive, well-behaved tabby cat. He is completely normal and standard looking in terms of his appearance but his background, his history and his past lifestyle is far from normal. He comes from Kharkiv, Ukraine and that city was heavily shelled …

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Brilliant white, deaf Norwegian Forest Cat loves long cycle rides in London

Travis and Sigi

This is a story with lessons! Lots of them. It concerns a proactive, positive man, Travis Nelson, who suffered from depression to suicidal levels in San Francisco, California after he lost his job but successfully turned his life around while providing an exciting life full of mental stimulation for his brilliant white, clear blue-eyed, …

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Surge in pet advert scams online in the UK

Animal scams online

In the UK, fraudsters are advertising non-existing pets on social media for sale and this is just one tiny aspect of the burgeoning expansion of crime in the UK where the police are sitting on their hands doing nowhere near enough about it. For example, just 6% of burglaries are solved by police in …

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