Can I flush cat poop down the toilet?

Heart-shaped poop from cat litter tray that tells you that your cat loves you

Yes, you can BUT you have to separate the poop from the litter substrate before you do so which makes the concept untenable. I think that answers the question in one sentence but I’ll carry on. There’s even a problem with flushing pure cat poop down the toilet with nothing attached to it and …

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No scientific studies on potential dangers of sodium bentonite clumping cat litter

Sodium Bentonite

Despite a long-standing and ongoing discussion about the potential dangers of sodium bentonite clumping cat litter to the cats that use it, there have been no scientific studies to either disprove or confirm anecdotal evidence. By “anecdotal evidence” people mean first-hand experiences or discussions by cat owners and casual observers. It’s all opinion and …

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