Spaying and neutering health benefits for cats and human amenity. Infographic.

A 3-page infographic on this important aspect of our relationship with the domestic, stray and feral cat. Spaying and neutering is a necessity. Regrettably a minority of irresponsible people create a big problem but with great gratitude there is an army of volunteers (especially it seems in the US) who with dedication run TNR …

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Why do people think declawing a cat is inhumane but neutering is not? Isn’t neutering more painful?

63 jurisdictions ban cat declawing as at Dec 2023

Well, it is a question that of often asked. But the answer is clear and to be honest obvious. Neutering is necessary sadly as without sterilising domestic cats there would be even more homeless cats, more misery and more shelter killings. Declawing is entirely unnecessary as there are alternative ways. Also declawing can cause …

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Nairobi misses the mark in their cat registration legislation

The city of Nairobi, Kenya, is debating a new piece of legislation (a bill) called “The Nairobi City County Animal Control and Welfare Bill”. If it came into force, it would require cat owners in Nairobi to purchase an annual licence at a cost of 200 Kenyan shillings ($1.50 or £1.20 p). To obtain …

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Holidaymakers should protest against Cyprus’s animal cruelty by not visiting

Too many feral cats in Cyprus and far too much animal cruelty of various kinds including the poisoning of kittens, cats and dogs

I’ve just visited a holiday forum on the Internet. One resident said that if you are making your first visit to Cyprus “you should be warned that animal cruelty is prevalent here”. They said that it was the “one thing I hate most about living in Cyprus after 10+ years and it doesn’t get …

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Can cats be asexual?

Intact male tortoiseshell is asexual

I’m referring to domestic cats. The word “asexual” means to lack the desire to have sex. Both intact male and female domestic cats naturally desire to procreate and therefore have sex. It would be a rare cat indeed who was genuinely asexual because it’s in the DNA of intact domestic cats to procreate in …

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Kotor Kitties is a brilliant non-profit spaying and neutering cats in Montenegro


This is an article about Kotor Kitties. They have a nice website which tells you how they started. How they grew into an international organisation. The start is always interesting and vitally important. What motivated April Lynn King, a volunteer, board member and a co-founder of Kotor Kitties? She lives in Seattle which, I …

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Unneutered male cats have a more masculine facial appearance compared to neutered male cats

Tomcat jowls created by the presence of testosterone

This is a discussion about whether the neutering of male cats (castration) changes their facial appearance. It can also have an impact on their overall appearance indirectly i.e. lower metabolism leading to putting on weight. But I’m focusing on the face. My argument is that it feminises the male cat face by making it …

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De-sexing our cats changes them from real animals to living toys

How we like them

We are fooling ourselves if we believe we are forced to spay and neuter our cats for their benefit and ours and to solely keep down the domestic cat population. Spaying and neutering are invasive operations; they remove the sex organs of the female and male cat. This both prevents reproduction and alters behaviour. …

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