Do spayed and neutered cats put on weight?

Botched spaying

The answer is that spayed and neutered domestic cats ‘tended to be heavier than those that weren’t’. So, the answer is, yes, spayed and neutered cats do put on weight but the experts can’t fully explain why as at 2021 based in my research. Although Dr Bruce Fogle very clearly states in this book …

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Picture of post-op area at Edmonton Humane Society’s TNR clinic

This is an interesting photograph by Ed Kaiser, for me. It shows 16 cat carriers; large cat carriers that look like traps that are being used as cat carriers (is that a poor assessment?). The carriers are covered and inside it seems that there are 16 cats from a feral cat colony who have …

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Why are there so many cats on Cyprus?

Community cat of Cyprus

The key reason why are there so many community cats on Cyprus is because not enough are being sterilized. The question is not about domestic cats but semi-feral community cats. Although there needs to be an education program to improve domestic cat ownership to ensure that all owned cats are sterilized. This would tackle …

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Number of domestic cats owned should be restricted to prevent cat hoarding

This is a question about whether introducing a law which restricts the number of cats that a person can own would have the effect of reducing cat hoarding cases. Cat hoarding is a mental health problem in a not insubstantial number of people. I can say that with some confidence because quite often the …

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Cat hoarding up and feral cat numbers up USA

Cat hoarding cat in cage with no water or food

I am going to combine two news items in this post. One comes from PETA and the other from news media. PETA states that animal shelters are turning their backs on cats which is leading to more cases of cat hoarding. They say that shelters are turning away cats because they are under pressure …

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Horrific ear-tipping by discount veterinary service

NEWS AND VIEWS-CABOT, USA: Danyelle Freeman and her family adopted a black cat who they called Batman last Christmas. She admits that she does not know much about domestic cats. They adopted Batman because they lost a cat a while back. She rang around and was advised to have her cat neutered because it …

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An extended family of ginger cats sleeping together

Extended family of ginger tabby cats sleep on top of each other

This is an interesting mini-video. It shows what must be an extended family of ginger tabby cats sleeping together and on top of each other. It is a tapestry of cats. It looks like the parents were not sterilised and over time they have created an extended family with their offspring also unsterilised and …

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