Spaying cats is good for them but low estrogen in humans is bad for us

Spaying operation

All the reports state that spaying female cats is a good thing for cats and humans. They say the operation does not change her basic personality. It makes her less irritable at certain times of the year. There’s less chance of heat-related marking and spaying does not make your female cat lazy and fat. …

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Picture of volunteers helping to wake up cats at a low-cost spay neuter clinic

Volunteers wake up cats at clinic who have undergone spay and neuter operations

This is a charming photograph of volunteers helping to wake up cats and a low-cost spay neuter clinic organised by Adams County Pet Rescue, 1961 W Bench Rd. Othello, Washington, USA. I love to see volunteers doing this good work for animal welfare. The staff at this rescue want cat owners to spay and …

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Amazingly good value cat sterilization, vaccination and flea treatment service by Greenville Humane Society

Veterinary clinic operating theatre

Greenville Humane Society provide a cat spaying/neutering, vacation, flea treatment, subcutaneous fluid and ear tipping service for customers bringing in feral cats in carriers at $35 for males and $45 for females. This is £27 in UK money. I think this is amazing value. What a service. They even provide traps for a ten …

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Cat hoarder dies outside home while her 40 cats inside were undiscovered for nine days

The top floors of the house from the outside. This is a large house.

Reading, Pennsylvania, USA: This is a sad and rather strange story. It comes from the Animal Rescue League of Berks County in the USA on their Facebook page. A woman, who you could describe as a cat hoarder, passed away outside her home while inside, upstairs apparently, there were 40 cats. They had not …

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Extraordinary photograph of cat shelter with no cats – success!

Cat shelter with no cats

CBC reports that Lincoln County Humane Society has nothing but empty cages at it shelter on Fourth Avenue in St Catherines. They say that usually the shelter is close to capacity or overcapacity. The executive director Kevin Strooband agreed that it was “a monumental day”. However, he did remind us that a lot of …

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