Outer Banks SPCA, North Carolina, emptied of all cats and dogs (video) in prep for Dorian

Empty Outer Banks SPCA shelter before Hurricane Dorian

Outer Banks SPCA is just north of Ocracoke Island which has been devastated by Hurricane Dorian with extensive and deep flooding. There have been massive floods on this thin sliver of land off the North Carolina coast. “Pray they all find their forever homes soon.” – Cindy Stoner I don’t have a report on …

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Rare Sphynx cat up for adoption at animal shelter but is unwanted

Sasy Pants

It is ironic, very ironic that this classic looking purebred hairless cat, a Sphynx called ‘Sassy Pants’, has been relinquished to a animal shelter, adopted twice and returned twice. It appears that she is unpopular, almost unwanted and yet breeders breed these cats because they believe that they are desirable. “She is super friendly …

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San Francisco SPCA asked for donations and received $162,000 in 3 days!

Cats and dogs need reuniting with owners after rescue from Calif wildfires

The amount raised went up $300 during the time it took me to write this post. The target was $100,000. This is awesome and demonstrates the generosity of kind hearted people concerned with the welfare of companion animals lost and injured in the Camp Fire, California. I am sure I will have to adjust …

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Shelter Director Fired Because She Euthanised 14 Cats Exposed to Ringworm

Shelter Director Fired Because She Euthanised 14 Cats Exposed to Ringworm

Kerrin Conklin was the Executive Director for the Central New York SPCA. She was fired summarily (without notice for what must have been gross misconduct) after five months in the job because she decided to authorise the euthanasia of 14 cats that had been exposed to ringworm. Apparently one cat had contracted ringworm. Then, …

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