We need to interview people who fail to sterilise their cats

Shelter cats are the best and there are many to choose from

Pretty well daily we read stories of people who have gotten in over their heads in caring for cats because of one simple, glaring error: they failed to sterilise (spay or neuter) their cat or cats as soon as medically possible. Yesterday I wrote about a British man who went from one cat to …

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Near 100% spaying and neutering of domestic cats would put back cat domestication

TNR program Austin Texas

Introduction: the spaying and neutering of cats is a good thing for obvious reasons. This article is not against spaying and neutering it is simply discussing what might be an unexpected outcome if great success were encountered in this process. In an idea which sounds like science fiction, Dr Bradshaw states that if the …

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An unusual photograph of sterilized cats from Lumpini Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Sterilised community cats in Thailand

I was browsing the Internet and this photograph caught my eye. My initial thought was that the cats had been killed. This is what it looked like at first glance but then I noticed the tincture of iodine antiseptic on the stomach of one of the females. Spaying came to mind. I then started …

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The Ethical Differences between Declawing a Cat and Sterilising a Cat

The ethics of spaying and declawing

I often read comments by people who don’t like cats (or cat lovers) which confidently state that there is no difference from an ethical standpoint between declawing a cat and sterilising a cat. They boldly question why we don’t criticise the sterilisation of cats when we criticise declawing. We are hypocrites they argue. In …

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Contraceptive Darts to Control Feral Cat Populations?

Noting that contraceptive darts are currently being used against wild horses in Wales to keep their population numbers down, I did a bit of Internet searching to see whether contraceptive darts had ever been used to control feral cat populations. The answer appears to be a definitive No. There may be a number of …

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Feline Vasectomy: A Rational Birth Control Alternative to Neutering?

Two of the most common veterinary surgeries are neutering and spaying pets. Having cats neutered or spayed is possibly the most important health-care decision that kitty guardians can make for their kitties. Neutering is a surgical procedure which entails the removal of the cat’s testicles, and spaying entails the removal of the female cat’s …

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