Hush Hush Kitten Dumping

This is an instructional video, I feel because the cat rescue lady in the video says that people put kittens in plastic bags and chuck the bag away (out of the car window seems to he the new fad) but the community seems to accept it. They ignore it. I have come to the …

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Columbia Chemically Castrates Their Cats

There is a way of chemically castrating dogs which is being called, “Zeutering”. The made up word comes from a chemical that is injected into the testes of dogs which neuters them because it destroys the sperm producing cells. The chemical is called Zeuterin™. It is also called zinc neutering. Chemical castration is used …

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Cost of Spaying and Neutering a Cat

How important is the cost of spaying and neutering a cat in tackling the so called “cat overpopulation problem” or the “feral cat problem” or the excess of community cats in the United States and in other countries? I ask because I was doing some research on the barn cat buddies programs (North America) …

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Declawing is BAD Neutering is GOOD!

by Ruth (England) Some people have the misconception that declawing a cat is no worse than neutering him or her. When vet nursing I assisted at many cat spays and castrations and cared for the cats as they recovered afterwards. Both sexes wake up peacefully. Males usually go home the same day,theirs is a …

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