Why do cats sleep in their litter box?

Cat sleeping in their litter box because they are stressed

The main reason why a domestic cat might sleep in their litter box – as shown in the photograph below – is because it strongly smells of their scent due to the presence of poop residue (after it has been cleaned) which means that it is a reassuring place to them. This will be …

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4 steps a cat owner cat take to help prevent stress-induced cystitis

The potential for cat stress caused by anxiety is an important component in a cat caregiver's knowledge

I believe that this topic is an important part of cat caregiving as domestic cats are likely to be stressed more often than cat owners typically believe. Up to two-thirds of cats taken to a vet for urination problems including bloody urine and inappropriate urination have no health issues. But they have an inflamed …

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Torturing dogs to death to improve the taste of their ‘meat’ is scientifically INCORRECT

There is a tweet on Twitter today which reminds me that in the huge dog meat market in Asia, mainly China, they believe that if they torture the dogs to death by beating them and in other horrible ways, they improve the taste of the “meat” that the dogs produce because of the adrenaline …

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Gabapentin substantially improves adoption rate of shelter cats rescued from a hoarding environment

Gabapentin combined with a behaviour modification program can substantially improve rescue cats' rehabilitation and therefore chances of adoption after being rescued from a cat hoarding environment

Cats living with a cat hoarder are almost invariably neglected. They are often only partly socialised, stressed and unhealthy. After rescue, a substantial percentage of them do not take well to a rescue facility. It may be so bad for them that they stop eating and toileting. They are essentially unadoptable because they’re so …

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Why does stress exacerbate cystitis in domestic cats?

How does stress exacerbate feline cystitis

Well, I wanted to find out more about this topic because although like many others I know that a lot of cases of feline cystitis (bladder inflammation) are idiopathic (unknown cause) it is often made worse by stress. But it is hard to see a connection between stress and a bacterial infection of the …

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Stress should not be a death sentence for shelter animals. Discuss.

Dog in pound in the US

The words of the title come from Nathan Winograd, America’s leading expert on animal shelters and one of the country’s leading animal advocates. He is referring to new legislation for New York State that came into force recently having been signed off by New York Gov Kathy Hotchul. Nathan Winograd argued very cogently against …

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