4 reasons why your cat licks herself where you have petted her

Stroking a cat can encourage the cat to self-groom

A few times I have endeavoured to answer the question as to why cats lick themselves where you pet them. It’s a perennial question and one which fascinates a lot of people. We don’t know for sure what the answer is but I think I now have the more credible answer. There are four …

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Do cats know that hugs and kisses are a sign of affection?

Kissing a cat!

Do cats know that hugs and kisses are a sign of affection? As both hugs and kisses are not part of the domestic cats natural range of behaviours they’ll have to be learned by the cat for them to be understood and liked. When we kiss or hug our cat we are demonstrating an …

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Most cats indicate where they wish to be stroked

Cats like to be stroked in certain places

John Bradshaw in his book The Feline Enigma Revealed believes or speculates that although we decide where to stroke our cat based upon our experiences and what we know are their preferences, most cats: “…indicate precisely where they wish to be stroked by offering that part of the body, or by shifting their position …

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