Radical mastectomy for female cats cost $3,000 (plus teeth clean thrown in)

Radical mestectomy for cats cost 3000 dollars

If it interests you, a radical mastectomy for cats cost around three grand. This would be in dollars or pounds and I am pretty sure that most European countries would charge something similar except for the Eastern European countries where it would be considerably cheaper. Would the standard be the same? A Twitter user: …

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Extraordinary picture of cat with 4 artificial legs, no ears and half a tail

Russian cat with four false legs

Novokuznetsk, Russia – news/opinion story: In freezing conditions, Dymka, a cat who actually looks like a blue British Shorthair but is probably a random bred cat, lost her legs, ear flaps and a good part of her tail to frostbite. It must have been hell. Parts of these appendages were left but they built …

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Pictures of rescue cats who have lost their ear flaps to infection and haematomas

Rescue cat who had to have her ear flaps removed due to self mutilation

There are two nicely optimistic pictures of cats without their ear flaps on the internet both of which come from Facebook rescue organisations. They both lost their ear flaps (pinnae) because of infections and haematomas. I wondered how it had happened. Some quick research revealed the answer. Community cats are prone to getting ear …

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Atlanta orthopedic surgeon who had taken on the role of saving animals has agreed not to operate on any more homeless animals

dog having surgery

An Atlanta orthopedic surgeon who had taken on the role of saving animals who would otherwise be euthanized has  agreed not to operate on any more homeless animals. This is the heartwarming and now heartbreaking story of an amazing man and the work he took on to heal unwanted homeless pets so they could …

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Badly injured cat is rehabilitated with tenderness and high expense but they can’t prosecute the alleged perpetrator

Benny recovering

This is a cat story which bridges polarised attitudes and behaviours in relation to the domestic cat; on one side there is horrible abuse and on the other beautiful care. Benny (his new name) was seen initially at Long Beach Animal Care Services by a lady, Beverly Leifer, who was there to investigate animal …

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Cat undergoes cosmetic plastic surgery on eyes

Cosmetic surgery on cat in China

In China they believe that having double-eyelids make their eyes look larger and more attractive. Every year 1 million young Chinese undergo the operation. It makes them happy and it is fashionable. They say the eyes look bigger and brighter. A woman cat owner living in east China decided to instruct a veterinarian to …

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