Why do domestic cats curl up when they sleep?

Why do cats sleep so much? Seven facts about sleeping cats

Domestic cats don’t always curl up when they sleep but they often do. It’s the default position. Although, we do see some extraordinary sleeping styles for the domestic cat; being totally stretched out is also not uncommon inside the home. But being curled up and stretched out are linked. I’ll explain what I mean. …

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Black cat emerges after the Miami Beach building collapse

Condo collapse South Beach Miami

NEWS AND COMMENT – SOUTH BEACH, MIAMI: The Champlain Towers collapse has been worldwide news. Many of us have read about the sudden collapse of this condominium which might be due to poor quality concrete eroding in part perhaps because of the building’s position adjacent to the sea. That’s being investigated. The human death …

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Can a pet cat survive if you abandon it?

Abandoned cat

Can a pet cat survive if you abandon it? The answer depends upon a lot of different factors. The fact of the matter is, though, that some domestic cats can survive which is the reason why we have feral cats. If all abandoned domestic cats perished very quickly then there would be no feral …

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Himalayan cat climbs the Everest of survivability and comes through without food or water for about 30 days.


This is hardly believable but the source is reliable. Delilah, a two-year-old purebred Himalayan cat (pointed Persian) was abandoned in a locked apartment. Yes, it is hard to believe that a cat owner could walk away from their cat in such a manner. It appears that neither food nor water was put down for …

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