Difference between tabby and domestic shorthair?

Tabby domestic shorthair

As a tabby cat is frequently a domestic shorthair cat, the question doesn’t make sense as it is trying to ask the difference between two types of domestic cat when the two descriptions often apply to the same individual cat as you see in the photograph below. In fact, tabby is the most common …

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What is the most common cat coat type in the UK?

The blotched tabby is the most common UK cat

The blotched (classic tabby) pattern is the most common for domestic and stray cats in the UK today. It is unclear why the classic tabby is more common than the striped (mackerel) tabby. As the domestic cat’s wild ancestor has a faintish striped tabby coat you might have thought that the striped tabby would …

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Owl defends itself with impressive body language in stand-off with tabby cat

Owl defends itself against the presence of a domestic cat by making itself much larger. The cat response in kind.

This impressive owl has made itself look much larger and it rocks from side to side as a means to display body language at a gray tabby-and-white cat who was probably wandering around his backyard or somewhere nearby when he encountered the owl. It is a cute stand-off between two different species, both predators. …

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Brilliant copper eyes of tabby Exotic Shorthair

Tabby Exotic Shorthair with brilliant copper eyes

I was looking for ‘strange cats’ on Pinterest and came across this tabby Exotic Shorthair with the most extraordinary copper-coloured eyes. If this was not a video I would have decided that this was an example of photo-editing because the colour is hardly believable. These bright copper eyes can only be the creation of …

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How many cats does Kate Beckinsale have?

Kate Beckinsale and Clive her flat-faced Persian one of 2 that she lives with

Kate Beckinsale has two cats at the date of this post, both flat-faced Persians. I believe that one is a chinchilla Persian, which is near white with some grey streaks. Her name is Willow, and the other is a grey tabby, Clive (11-12 years old). They are classic contemporary Persian cats. They both have …

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