Anti-animal UK government civil servants lied about evacuation of cats and dogs from Kabul

Nowzad staff made it out of Kabul to Pakistan and then to the UK where some will train to be vets

NEWS AND COMMENT: I stress that this is my opinion on the news. But I’m driven to have these views which are as objective as I can make them. You may remember the highly publicised evacuation of cats and dogs from the Nowzad animal charity in Kabul. Mr Pen Farthing ran the charity. He …

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True or false? Afghan animal airlift only added to our national shame.

The cats and dogs on their way to Kabul airport

In a letter to The Times, Kate Nicholls of Seaford, East Sussex, UK, stated that she passionately believes that Mr Farthing’s (Nowzad) evacuation of cats and dogs from Kabul was a highly improper act which brings shame on Great Britain. She said that she read the news with “utter disbelief”. She also said that …

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Audio recording of Pen Farthing threatening MOD special adviser Peter Quentin

Pen Farthing and dogs at Nowzad

This is an interesting voice recording of Mr Paul ‘Pen’ Farthing, the founder and manager of the Nowzad animal rescue charity, who, with his cats and dogs, evacuated Afghanistan via Kabul airport on a privately chartered plane yesterday at 4:30 PM after an enormous effort. He claims that the MoD obstructed his evacuation and …

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American service dogs given precedence over Afghanis waiting to be evacuated by air

US military dogs evacuated by air from Kabul

NEWS AND COMMENT-KABUL, AFGHANISTAN: News media is reporting that US military dogs are being given precedence over Afghanis who are waiting to be evacuated by air out of Kabul on the takeover of the country by the Taliban. There is a photograph on Twitter of dog ears sticking out above a row of seats …

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Will Afghanistan’s Taliban government treat cats well?

Islamist uses cats in sick and bizarre way to get recruits.

NEWS AND COMMENT: In a press conference yesterday, the Taliban spokesman provided a clear, overriding message to everyone which was that they want peace in Afghanistan and talented and hard-working people to remain. In essence, they want things to carry on as before except it will be an Islamic state run under strict Sharia …

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