About Geert Wilders’ 2 cats Noortje and Pluisje not forgetting Snoetje

Pluisje a cat owned by Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders has just won a shock, monster election victory (monsterzege) for his Freedom Party in the Dutch elections and is all over the international news, which has promoted me to look into his two cats who have a Twitter X account with 23.2k followers at the date of this post. Wilders is labelled …

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Cats with folded ears and flat-faced dogs to be banned in The Netherlands

Flat-faced dogs and cats with folded ears to be banned in NL

This news lightens my heart made heavy by legalised animal abuse. We all know that flat-faced dogs (and cats) and cats with folded ears (the Scottish Fold) are inherently unhealthy. We have known it for a long time. Their existence is a reflection of the attitude that cuteness trumps ill-health. That appearance is more …

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