Homeless cat’s long journey to ‘furever’ happiness


This is the story of Bubby, a three legged, ginger tabby-and-white male cat with sad eyes and a charming character. He lives in Canada. Going back about eight years, he was a street cat enduring a difficult life. He showed up at the home of a man who had a cat named Seson and …

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Kitten Loses Leg in Mousetrap

This is a warning to cat owners. After reading the reports and watching the video below a mousetrap must be regarded as another potential household cat and kitten hazard. Kittens are particularly vulnerable. There are many potential hazards, believe me. Many more that people are aware of. A lot of hazards for cats at …

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The Good, the Bad and the Beautiful

This little vignette of life says a lot about us, our cats and our relationship. You have a person being wantonly cruel – for what reason? You have a person being the opposite; caring and warm-hearted. In the middle you have a cat, “Handsome”, who bears no grudges, accepts what life throws at him …

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