Why do tigers bite when mating?

Tiger bites during mating

There are two “bites” during tiger mating. I will quote verbatim the account by the former director of the Delhi Zoo, Kailash Sankhala, of a mating encounter between tigers. It explains and refers to the two bites (highlighed). “The tigress “kisses” the tiger – bites him gently – turns, rubs her body against his, …

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Cub Petting Operators Do Nasty Things to Tiger Cubs

“Cub Petting” is about making a lot of money from customers who want to pay for the pleasure of cuddling and petting a lion or tiger cub. The operators of these businesses are inherently unethical in their behavior. It is worse than that. I explain what I mean below. The operators are inherently unethical …

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Zoo Owner’s Fault that Star Attraction Tiger Cub was Eaten by Her Parents

At the time David Gill managed the South Lakes Safari Zoo in Cumbria, England. In 2010 a female Sumatran tiger cub, Kadi, was one of the zoo’s star attractions. Her birth in that year was a triumph for David Gill. This is the man, incidentally, who has allegedly totally messed up the management of …

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Dead tiger cubs found in a freezer at Thailand Tiger Temple

Tiger Temple HORROR: Rotting corpses of 40 cubs found in freezer in Thai tourist hotpot You may have heard of the Tiger Temple in Thailand (in Kanchanaburi province west of Bangkok), run by Buddhist monks. It was a great tourist attraction for Westerners. Tourists could cuddle up to allegedly drugged tigers and take a …

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Ten Tigers Brutally Slain To Entertain Businessmen and Officials: A Horrendous Blood Bath

Just one hundred years ago the tiger population was more than 30 times greater than today. There were at least 100,000 of these magnificent big cats living on our planet. But due to illegal trade in parts, poaching and the loss of their habitat the tiger population has been drastically decimated. As a result …

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Tigers in Demand for Traditional Medicine in China

Does the world have enough tigers left to feed the unending and insatiable appetite of the Chinese people to consume it – yes, eat it – for medicinal purposes? I doubt it. All the time we are reminded of the impossibility of stopping this. This website is blocked by China because I have consistently …

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