Cats like boxes because they are reassuring

Why cats like boxes

In general, domestic cats love boxes. All domestic cats have the potential to love them. And if they don’t love boxes, they like to squeeze themselves into tight spaces for a snooze such as a flowerpot. The celebrity cat Maru is the world’s leader of box-loving cats. This desire is so strong that cats …

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What is a wallflower cat?

Timid cat

Jackson Galaxy uses the phrase “wallflower cat” in his book Total Cat Mojo. He also uses the phrase “the raw cat” a lot as it is fundamental to his ideas. The two are linked. When you tap into a domestic cat’s mojo, they are more content and more confident. They behave more naturally because …

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Kittens: bold and friendly compared to timid and less friendly

Cat personality types

Kittens who inherit a personality which is bold or confident are more likely to be perceived as friendly. Relatively bold kittens are more likely to interact with new objects and occurrences. This gives the impression that they are more friendly or at least they’re more outgoing. Also, it means that they learn more quickly …

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Cat lover discovers rescue cat is not aggressive but scared

Don't try this at home

I think this video is instructional. I also like the woman who has a YouTube channel (MeloCat). She loves cats and I guess you might say that she has too many cats in a small apartment but we’re not gonna go down that route. She’s a good woman and she wants to help this …

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Tortie in a beanie with a blaze

Tortie in a beanie with a blaze

This is a really good cat picture. It is unusual to this sort of quality in a photo taken by a non-professional photographer. The cameras help nowadays and I mean smartphones. The optics are amazing and the chips are awesome. You don’t need a 35mm sensor SLR anymore as smartphones have 50-million-pixel chips and …

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10 thoughts on how to make your cat less timid

Wallflower cat

I’m going to rely on Chapter 19 of Jackson Galaxy’s book Total Cat Mojo to answer the question in the title. Jackson calls timid cats “Wallflowers”. They are wallflowers because of their genetics, perhaps a lack of early years socialisation, threats in the environment or a combination of all these. This is a long …

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When Kitty is afraid of new people. Getting comfortable with visitors.

Anxious cat

Although the response of a domestic cat to new people in their home (including visitors) will vary between individuals depending on their confidence and character, in general domestic cats will be fearful and defensive. There are one or two things which can be done to assuage some of the anxiety and make them more …

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