Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like two tomcats about to fight over politics

Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like a couple of tomcats about to fight over a female in heat

Mike Murphy writing in The Sunday Times says that “Musk and Trump are tomcats trapped in a pillowcase, and it will not end well.” The problem is ego. Both have egos as big as the rockets designed by Musk’s Space X team to go to Mars. Musk promotes freedom of speech which ends up …

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Should I neuter my cat? Ask a cat breeder.

2012 a breeding queen

A person who wants to adopt a male cat might ask why they should neuter their cat if they are going to be indoors full-time and there will be no other cats in the home; no chance of procreation. Incidentally, the word “neuter” has two meanings. It can mean the removal of the male …

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Is it true that male domestic cats kill kittens?

Do male cats kill kittens?

To answer the question, you have to break it down into categories which I’ve done. There’s a difference between the behaviour of the wildcat ancestor which is the same species as the domestic cat and from which we can learn about domestic cat behaviour, unsterilised male cats, sterilised male cats and kittens parented by …

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Why is my adult male cat aggressively licking my new male kitten?

Male cat involved in committed parenting which is unusual

This is a question posed by a social media user accompanying a video of a beautiful ginger tabby cat enthusiastically licking a young kitten who is also a ginger tabby cat. The questioner does not explain if the kitten is the offspring of the male cat. It looks certain that they are. The interesting …

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Tomcats cannot tell the difference between spayed and intact females

Big boss cat in Japan

Tomcats can’t, it seems, tell the difference between females who have been spayed and those that have not been spayed. This information comes from Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense It is based upon his admittedly “casual observations”. He writes that “tomcats seem unable to distinguish between neutered females that form the …

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Tomcats advertise their fitness and prowess through the smell of their sprayed urine

Cat spraying

Female cats can be choosy in selecting a male and thereby procreate. She uses her courtship to select her favoured male or males. Males can impress females through the pungency of their urine. They are advertising their fitness and ability to procreate and create fit families through the smell of their urine. It’s remarkable …

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