A clever way to rescue a kitten from a sewer pipe: food-flavoured towelling

Kitten hoisted from Colorado sewer pipe with towel rope

There is a neat way to rescue kittens from small-bore sewer and drainage pipes, which is to use a length of towelling flavoured with food, for example tuna. Towelling is best because it’s got more texture and it is easier for a kitten’s claws to get tangled up in it and to grab hold …

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Tabby cat survives for two months inside a shipping container

Chapman and Monty

This story is all over the Internet as might be expected because it is an extraordinary example of how the domestic cat can survive under the most extreme conditions. But it has to be said that the inquisitive domestic cat not uncommonly find themselves trapped in shipping containers or in the backs of lorries. …

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Picture of cat stuck in car engine compartment is a classic

This cat picture is by the Animal Services Division of the City of Rancho Cordova in California. It is a classic because domestic cats stuck in engine compartments (the place where the engine in housed) are commonplace in winter. I have seen many pictures of cats stuck in this warm area of a vehicle …

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Dramatic Photos of Calico Kitten Pulled From Inside a Wall

Kitten rescued from wall cavity

I found these photos by Fort Lauderdale Fire Rescue (Twitter page) compelling. The image quality is good and they capture the instant the young calico kitten is pulled through a hole in an interior stud wall of a house. It looks like the bathroom. A stud wall has a wooden framework covered with plasterboard. …

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