Grinning, senseless, obsessive hunter kills snow leopard and imports it into USA

Soudy: Hossein Soudy Golabchi obsessive trophy hunter

He is originally from Iran, now an American businessman. He’s Hossein Soudy Golabchi. His nickname is ‘Soudy’. He is a self-declared obsessive trophy hunter. His specialty is killing wild sheep and goats of various species. The Beijing Museum of Natural History almost worship him as he has donated a lot of his trophies to …

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Donald Jr (left) and Eric Trump (right) posing with a leopard they shot on a hunting trip to Africa

Donald Trump defends his son’s trophy hunting in Africa. Does that sicken you? Does it make you detest the Trump family? Day by day Trump looks increasingly beleaguered, lost and disorganised. His administration appears to be chaotic. And to cap it off, he defends his sons who love to kill big game in Africa. …

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Game hunters lied about how they shot Xanda, son of Cecil the lion

Zimbabwe’s big-game hunters lied about the circumstances under which they shot and killed Cecil the lion’s son, Xanda, so say the wildlife researchers from Oxford University one of whom had previously said that the person who organised the hunting safari was a ‘good guy’. A “good” guy, Richard Cooke, organized the trophy hunters who …

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A “good” guy, Richard Cooke, organized the trophy hunters who killed Xanda the eldest son of Cecil

Xanda, son of Cecil killed by tropy hunter

Astonishingly, the man, Mr Loveridge, who fitted the GPS collar to Xanda the lion recently killed by trophy hunters in Zimbabwe, says that the person who organised the hunt resulting in the killing of this lion is Richard Cooke from RC Safaris who he describes as one of the ‘good’ guys. Weird moral standards… …

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If trophy hunters contribute to lion conservation then the world is messed up

Trophy hunters can help lion conservation so says a UK government commissioned report. This has made animal advocates very angry. And when I think about it, I am drawn to one conclusion: if killing lions for trophies helps to protect the lion then the world has to be in a mess. Conservation has come …

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