Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like two tomcats about to fight over politics

Elon Musk and Donald Trump are like a couple of tomcats about to fight over a female in heat

Mike Murphy writing in The Sunday Times says that “Musk and Trump are tomcats trapped in a pillowcase, and it will not end well.” The problem is ego. Both have egos as big as the rockets designed by Musk’s Space X team to go to Mars. Musk promotes freedom of speech which ends up …

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Donald Trump’s sketchy track record on animal welfare bodes ill for the future

Animal welfare is not his priority

Donald Trump is the new President. I am interested in animal welfare. What was Trump’s track record during his last presidency in bringing new initiatives to the table on animal welfare in America and across the globe? Answer below the image. Donald Trump’s presidency had a mix of actions that impacted animal welfare, both …

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Donald Trump tries to defuse his faux pas about migrants eating cats with funny pictures of cats

Funny cat picture published on Trump's Truth Social website which is misleading

You’ve probably heard about Donald Trump’s massive faux pas in ranting and raving about Haitian migrants eating domestic dogs and cats and ducks during the recent Trump/Harris debate. His allegations were unfounded. The evidence is probably local residents in Springfield and/or Canton, Ohio making allegedly false allegations about the 20,000 Haitian immigrants that have …

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Kamala Harris is an animal champion. Donald Trump has a poor record on animal welfare

On animal welfare Kamala beats Donald hands down

There are millions of animal advocates in America. If they are not strong animal advocates, they at least are sensitive to the sentience of animals and concerned about their welfare. They don’t like animal abuse or cruelty. And therefore, animal welfare, I would argue, plays a role in the presidential election race. And if …

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It’s not just childless cat ladies as JD Vance once described childless people as sociopathic

Trump and Vance are two peas in a misogynistic pod

It’s not just “Childless cat ladies”, JD Vance once described childless people as sociopathic. Why have I written this post? To defend women who generally love cats more than men. Women have provided so much protection for cats. I don’t want to see then attacked. Although as one would expect there are some bad …

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Two changes to the American Constitution needed (infographic)

Two changes to the US Constitution needed

Two changes to the US constitution are needed as set out in the below infographic BUT the changes will never happen. Well, the first suggestion might and should happen as America can do better than have a president who is a convicted felon of the type that severely questions his honesty and integrity (falsifying …

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Donald Trump and Kristi Noem are toxic for animal welfare and conservation

Trump with Noem

OPINION: There’s been a lot of talk about Kristi Noem recently because she shot her young dog in a gravel pit on her farm because she considered the dog to be useless as a hunting dog and by all accounts was very irritated with Cricket’s behaviour. She didn’t consider retraining him or rehoming him. …

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President Trump’s election to President of the United States will be bad for animal welfare

Animal welfare is not Trump’s strong suit. When he is the next president which seems to be likely I do not expect there to be any progress on animal welfare. Indeed, it may go backwards under his presidency.

It seems likely that Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States. Shame that the US has to choose between an 81-year-old geriatric with slurred speech and a 77-year-old narcissistic demigod in the eyes of the less well educated. If Trump is the next president, it will be bad for animal …

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