Cushing’s disease in cats – it’s rare and more common in dogs

Cushing's disease in cats

Cushing’s disease in cats or hyperadrenocorticism is an endocrine disorder (endocrine system secretes hormones) in which the adrenal glands persistently produce an excess of cortisol, creating an imbalance of hormones in the body. Cushing’s disease appears to be sex-linked in that 75% of cases occur in female cats. The disease can affect cats as …

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Is your cat sneezing blood? What could it be?

Firstly sneezing is a sign of nasal irritation and is a reflex action. Sneezing can be caused by (1) a minor nasal irritation or allergy (2) dust, pollens, cigarette smoke etc. (3) feline viral respiratory disease – the first signs of (4) foreign body in the nose (5) bacterial infection. Prolonged sneezing can cause …

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Caring Couple Create Bucket List of Adventures for Dying 22-year-old Cat

Tigger an elderly rescue cat

This story highlights two opposite ways to care for a very elderly cat, Tigger, who is terminally ill with kidney failure and a golf ball sized tumour. It also reminds us of the rewards in looking after an elderly cat. People should be more open to adopting them. The former owner effectively abandoned him …

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