Cecil the Lion has not died in vain after British MPs vote through a ban on the importation of hunting trophies

A stuffed lion head on a wall somewhere that was once a trophy and ended up being for sale online

Britain is leading Europe in the creation of legislation to ban the importation of hunting trophies from big game into the UK. There is no EU law banning trophy imports. It seems that this UK legislation is one benefit of Brexit. Yesterday, Members of Parliament unanimously backed a ban on the importation of hunting …

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Gary Lineker tells the British government to ban trophy imports in a Times letter

Gary Lineker writes to The Times to encourage British members of Parliament to vote for a ban on the importation of trophies from trophy hunting

NEWS AND OPINION: The British government is debating a ban on trophy hunting imports into the UK. The bill passing through Parliament is the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill 2022-2023. This is a promise made by this Conservative government. But I’m told today that there is a possibility that the bill might not pass …

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Compulsory microchipping for cats in the UK on June 10, 2024 written into law

Microchipping cats to be compulsory under the law in the UK

Since yesterday, 13 March 2023, a law has been enacted in the UK which will make micro-chipping of domestic cats compulsory on June 10, 2024. It has been a long time coming. It is said that the government has delivered on a key manifesto pledge. It will make it easier to reunite lost or …

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British government considered the mass culling of all domestic cats at the outbreak of Covid-19

Mass culling of domestic cats debated by British government in early days of pandemic

NEWS AND VIEWS: It has come to light in a Channel 4 interview involving Lord Bethell, the former deputy health minister from 2020-2021, that in the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic, the British government appeared to have seriously considered culling the entire population of domestic cats in the UK in order to prevent …

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Celebrity TV rat catcher and trophy hunter will be stopped by new UK legislation

Ricky Clark shamed

NEWS AND OPINION: Ricky Clark is a rat catcher by trade. He became a TV celebrity by dint of his enthusiastic personality and buff appearance according to The Times newspaper. He has a BBC1 series called The Rat Pack which shows how he catches and kills rats with his dogs. The show received favourable …

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The nightmare of importing cats from Ukraine via Poland to the UK

Pet passport

A lady on the mumsnet.com website requires urgent advice about importing cats from Poland to the UK. But one the cats (a mother) originally came from Ukraine and the other is a kitten born to the mother in Poland. She is putting up a Ukrainian family. They’ve been in the country for 4 months …

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Reason why UK drivers don’t have to stop and report a collision with a cat

D'Artagnan and Olivia

Olivia Holland-Rose, an actress who recently played a role in the Phantom of the Opera it is reported that she adopted a Somali purebred cat last Christmas and named him D’Artagnan. Sadly, he was run over by a car and killed. He was a gift from her husband. Looking at the photo of her …

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