Defense of Ukraine’s cat and soldier pictures are a public relations coup

Cats and Ukrainian soldiers comfort each other

OPINION: Don’t get me wrong. I love the Twitter photographs published by Defense of Ukraine. This appears to be a public relations Department of the Ukrainian military. They are very savvy. They know what they’re doing. They present a very humane side of this horrendous conflict. They present to the world through a very …

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Ukrainian soldiers love cats. Good, as stray cats and dogs outnumber humans in many places

Kitten and Ukrainian soldier

NEWS AND OPINION: Currently, in many places in Ukraine stray cats and dogs, left behind by their owners who’ve fled or died, outnumber the remaining human residents. Where there is less human life, the more animals there are, according to The Washington Post. This is the animal cost of the war. We should not …

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Ukraine rescue cats arrive in DC after compliance with mountains of rules and regulations and $12,000 spent

Gorgeous Gizmo

This is an incredibly impressive, committed and wonderful cat rescue organised mainly, on my understanding, by Homewood Trails Animal Rescue (11116 Fairfax Station Rd, Fairfax Station, VA, United States, Virginia). They have a Facebook page and a couple of their Facebook posts are republished below. There is also a video from WUSA9 YouTube. Note: …

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The nightmare of importing cats from Ukraine via Poland to the UK

Pet passport

A lady on the website requires urgent advice about importing cats from Poland to the UK. But one the cats (a mother) originally came from Ukraine and the other is a kitten born to the mother in Poland. She is putting up a Ukrainian family. They’ve been in the country for 4 months …

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Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees and their pets entering USA via Mexico

NEWS AND COMMENT-SAN DIEGO, USA: There is an interesting back story to the Facebook announcement by the San Diego Humane Society which posted that a Ukrainian refugee was able to reunite with her beloved Pomeranian after the dog had completed a 28-day rabies quarantine required by US law. The woman had entered the US …

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Picture of a boy holding his cat in front of his destroyed home in Ukraine

Boy returns to his devastated home and finds his cat which he holds up in front of the camera

This is a picture of a cat and a boy in front of his completely destroyed home in Ukraine. It’s on Twitter. It is a tweet by the exiled Russian businessman, Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky. I’m told that in 2003 he was assessed to be the wealthiest man in Russia with a fortune of about …

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Nine lions saved from jaws of death in blockaded Odessa

Odessa Zoo

NEWS AND COMMENT-ODESSA, UKRAINE: A team of war veterans, including Tom L-S, and animal activists from the animal welfare charity Breaking the Chains, and including Lionel de Lange, who runs the animal charity Warriors of Wildlife, have managed to rescue nine lions from a zoo in the Ukrainian city of Odessa as there were …

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