Whales have ultrasonic hearing; more evidence that submarine sonar can cause whale beaching

Submarine sonar

A recent study reports that minke whales have ultrasonic hearing. The study revealed that whales’ auditory brainstems respond to ultrasonic sounds which are beyond those the human ear can detect at frequencies as high as 45-90 kHz. This is a much broader range of hearing than previously believed based on whale ear anatomy and …

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Gardeners’ tips and tricks to deter neighbours’ cats from using their gardens as a toilet!

Ground cover plants are good for stopping cats peeing and pooping in your garden as the soil is inaccessible

This post is about some tips and tricks that gardeners might employ if they are concerned about neighbours’ cats coming into their garden, digging around in the soil and going to the toilet. It happens and it causes an enormous amount of upset to the dedicated gardener who has spent donkeys years cultivating their …

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New ‘hack’ – used tea bags sprayed with Deep Heat to keep cats off your garden?

Old tea bags sprayed with Body Heat to keep cats off your garden

David Domoney, a British celebrity horticulturalist, has a ‘hack’ for keeping cats off your garden. He said: “One of the things that has worked effectively for me in the past is to save tea bags and spray them with a muscle heat spray, like Deep Heat.” Right, that’s it. The hack of the century. …

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Does vinegar repel cats?

Does vinegar repel cats?

Is vinegar a successful domestic cat deterrent? I wanted to answer the question scientifically. I wanted some hard evidence discovered in a scientific study. I failed to find such a study and therefore I have to rely on what is called anecdotal evidence i.e. what people think. And when you research what people think …

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There is one effective way to deter cats from gardens

Deterring cats from gardens means making the garden an unpleasant place to be in

A lot has been written on the topic of deterring free-roaming domestic cats from neighbours’ gardens. I cover a recent discussion using plants in the EXPRESS newspaper below but first I would like to discuss this single effective way to deter cats from gardens. I’m going to start with the underlying reason why this …

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Some people can hear ultrasonic cat deterrents

Ultrasonic cat deterrents can be heard by people sometimes

The ultrasonic sound cat deterrent is recommended by the RSPB. It’s effective between 22-46% of the time and is therefore moderately effective in deterring indoor/outdoor cats from coming into your garden. If they get past the barrier of high-pitched sound, they spend less time in the garden because it is uncomfortable. This device is …

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