UK pet owners go abroad to cut bills for veterinary treatments

Equity funds have bought vet clinics in UK and are exploiting the business

NEWS AND VIEWS-UK: In an extraordinary development, I’m told that in the UK, cat and dog owners are flying abroad to places like France and Turkey to seek treatments for their companion animals which are priced reasonably and which are a fraction of those charged in the UK. And the reason why many veterinarians …

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Veterinarian’s hypocritical statement about cat declawing is breathtaking

Declawing cat

The hypocrisy of Dr. Joanne Carlson DVM is breathtaking. She is the President of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association. She is pushing back on a proposed law that would ban declawing in Illinois. Veterinarians normally do pushback when politicians propose a declawing ban because declawing is a good revenue stream for the vets. …

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10 reasons why cat declawing is wrong, unethical and immoral

Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner 'declawing'.

1. Grooming It is rarely if ever mentioned but a domestic cat uses their claws as part of their grooming routine. Every cat needs and desires to be well groomed. A coat in good condition is vital for their well-being. For temperature control, cleanliness, waterproofing and for controlling scent-signalling. As a consequence, cats are …

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US state of New Hampshire considering a ban on cat declawing

New Hampshire considering banning declawing

More good news on the American domestic cat front. More common sense within the world’s biggest domestic cat marketplace. More ethical thinking. More resistance from the veterinarians to ban declawing which surprises me. In fact, it shocks me that veterinarians in America resist so vehemently what they promised to do in the first place; …

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Choose a veterinarian sensibly (infographic)

Choose your vet sensibly

The infographic says almost all I want to say on the topic but I’ll add a few afterthoughts. If I was living in the United States, the number one criteria would be the head vet’s response to the question: “Do you declaw cats for non-therapeutic reasons?” A yes answer would mean instant rejection. A …

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American TNR volunteers struggle to get cats spayed/neutered due to shortage of vets

San Antonio captured feral cat

NEWS AND COMMENT-SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS: The San Antonio Express News online has a disturbing story for cat advocates and lovers and those interested in helping feral cats. They need our help. It features the work of volunteer Elva Orosco who works with the San Antonio Feral Cat Coalition. She is struggling to get her …

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Avoid the necessity to put down your cat because you can’t afford the $5,000 surgery

Aramis who was euthanised as his owner could not afford the vet treatment

Currently, there is a guy on social media who says that he has to put down his pet cat because he can’t afford the $5,000 surgery as he is already “swimming in debt”. He has said goodbye to his cat, Aramis, “one of the goofiest cats that ever lived”. It’s a tragic little vignette …

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