Best cat food – informative overview discussion

Cat eating

Preamble This page has been refreshed, added-to, and republished as at January 2022. IT IS IN 2 PAGES WITH A 2ND PAGE LINK. All website pages need to go through a review and rebuild process after about 10 or more years in my opinion. That’s what I am doing here. Things change and these …

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A vegetarian cat? No. But manufactured vegetarian cat food containing all the necessary nutrients. Yes.

Vegetarian cat food

This page is in two parts. The first part was written about 13 years ago. The second part was written recently and is an updating section. The page has been checked, refreshed and republished as at January 13, 2022. This is necessary because everything changes. Certainly, the market in cat foods and particularly vegan …

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What is the ‘carbon dioxide equivalent’ of a domestic cat?

Carbon dioxide equivalent of a domestic cat

The experts say that you should refer to “carbon dioxide equivalent” (CO2e) when discussing carbon footprints. This refers to the measurement of how much gas contributes to global warming relative to carbon dioxide. Are you interested in that? Here’s a bit more: you calculate the carbon dioxide equivalent of a quantity of gas by …

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Keeping a cat violates the principles of veganism?

Girlfriend insists boyfriend gets rid of Mittens because she is a vegan and believes that domestic cats should be extinct

NEWS AND VIEWS: The words of the title are not mine. I think they are too intransigent, too intolerant. But they are the words of the girlfriend to a 22-year-old man who lives with a ginger tabby-and-white long-haired cat. Mittens. This guy was in an excellent relationship with his girlfriend. They were highly compatible …

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Cat food made from bacteria

Feedkind pellets

It’ll be the next innovation in pet food: a food made from bacteria which contains the right balance of proteins. It’ll raise eyebrows. People will question whether strict carnivores such as felines can be sustained by bacteria. I understand the doubts. However, it will happen, I feel, and I am confident that the manufacturers, …

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Auckland vegan cat owner says that her cat is healthier and happier on a vegan pet food diet

This is a controversial subject. However, I believe that there are some misconceptions which provoke incorrect responses. This Auckland lady, Aya Oba, is a vegan, as stated, but she is not feeding her cat the kind of diet that she, herself, eats. She is feeding her cat a specially prepared vegan cat food with …

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