Shift Towards Vegan Cat Diet?

Vegan cat

Summary: There appears to be an increased number of pet owners who want to feed their companions animals a vegan diet and some are already doing so. There is a response from the pet food manufacturers. More research is needed and a nutritionally balanced diet must be carefully considered with added supplements. Research, based …

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RSPCA warns cat owners they could be prosecuted for feeding their cat vegan food

Vegan cat food

The RSPCA in the UK say that if a cat owner feeds their cat commercially prepared vegan cat food they may be prosecuted under the Animal Welfare Act. But they are on a collision course with the big manufacturers because there is a well-known product on the market already called Benevo which is a …

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Can a vegan diet for a cat be acceptable?

Vegetarian cat food

I’m going to play devil’s advocate and write something provocative. Can a vegan (or vegetarian) diet for a cat be acceptable? I believe that it is a question worth asking. I don’t think that we should criticise the idea of feeding your cat a vegan diet out of hand without thinking about it carefully. …

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We Are Eating Violence Towards Animals. Veganism On The Increase

Animal rights and slavery

Here is a video by Dr Will Tuttle about the relationship of humans towards animals. It naturally overlaps with veganism. He says that most of our abusive relationship with animals originates in our use of animals as food. Also below I reproduce a comment by Myriam. She commented on the web page about the …

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