Cost-effective vet appointments restrict TNR programs

Oneida city council members at the meeting to discuss feral cats and other issues

This is a feral cat story from Oneida, New York. Oneida is a city in Madison County, New York State. As is the case in many other American cities they have a group of volunteers who carry out TNR programs to try and stabilise the feral cat population. They are called the Cat Committee. …

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Gentle petting and speaking to shelter cats reduces stress, improves their health and adoptability

Shelter cats are sometimes not given a chance to show their friendly character

It’s been found that when shelter cats are gently petted and talked to their chances of developing an upper respiratory infection are reduced. They are healthier because their immune system picks up. And if shelter cats are not stroked and talk to gently, they are 2.5 times more likely to become sick due to …

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The special cats of San Nicolas Island and the special person who looks after them

Maribel Ramirez at the Humane Soc campus feeding the San Nicolas Island cats

San Nicolas Island is one of California’s Channel Islands which are off the coast of southern California. San Nicolas is a pretty barren 14,000-acre island with an airfield because it’s been owned by the U.S. Navy since the 1950s. U.S. Navy personnel brought cats onto the island, and I guess some of them became …

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Clowder of shelter kittens try and escape their cage. Worker pushes them back.

Cat shelter worker has to be too firm with kittens as they try and escape their small glass-fronted cage.

Watch this cat shelter worker’s behavior and tell me what you think. I believe that the video was made in China or perhaps another Asian country and that this is an animal or cat shelter. The kittens want to get out of their little, glass-fronted cage. Of course. He opens the door and guess …

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Veterinarian wants to cut off way too much of the ear when ear-tipping

Veterinarian seems to deliberately ear tip badly to annoy the TNR volunteer who brings the cat to him/her. This seems to be a case where they were stopped mid-stream.

This is a comment on PoC by a visitor who is, as you can see, a coordinator and trapper for her local TNR organisation. The person should be praised for her work. She has criticised the veterinarian who ‘ear tips’ the cats in her care. You have probably heard of the process – a …

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Feral cats: doing the right thing is much harder than the quick fix but it’s better

The battle of wills about how to deal with feral cats is the battle of morality over expediency. It is the battle of doing the right thing over the quick fix. It is the battle over long-term thinking versus short-term thinking. There is a battle going on in many parts of the world about …

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Tips on trapping cats by a ‘cat trapper extraordinaire’

Daria Weber, a Martin County resident, brings several trapped feral cats to the Animal Medical Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 in Stuart, where the cats can be spayed or neutered, as part of the county-approved trap and release program.

I have to write about Daria Weber because she is the kind of person that I admire more than any other. She quietly gets on with her voluntary work with commitment and persistence, helping the community, not seeking reward except the knowledge that she is improving animal welfare. She deserves recognition. Daria Weber has …

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