5 women and 3 men who have killed cats in washing machines

Washing machine used by a teenager in Britain to suffocate a cat overnight

This was a difficult article to write. However, I think it needs writing because the washing machine is a killing machine in some households. Women are more likely to use the machine than men to kill cats. This might be because they use the machine more often. It doesn’t happen that often, but it’s …

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Another ‘cat in a washing machine’ story. This one lived and is being called a ‘miracle cat’

cat survives washing machine

How many of the readers here have a fear of their cat ending up in the washing machine? Personally, I’ve always added laundry a bit at a time and made sure no cats were curled up inside because I’m EXTREMELY paranoid over washers, dryers, and ovens. Six-month-old Poppy not only went through a 30-minute wash, …

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You Can Never Be Careful Enough When You Have a Cat and a Washing Machine

Lisa Keefe appears to me to be a very good cat guardian/caretaker. She looks after her crossbreed Bengal cat whose name is Bobby. Bobby liked to sleep in the washing machine. Lisa knew it and checked. On this occasion she had taken him out of the washing machine before turning the machine on. But …

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