Kitten cries for mother and she runs in from 200 meters

Viral video of mom reacting to call of her kitten

This is a cute video which has gone somewhat viral on TikTok which is illustrative of the kitten-mother relationship. Personally, I don’t particularly like it but it is quite good nonetheless and informational. Kittens will cry when they are first weaned because their mother isn’t around to help with feeding. This kitten looks as …

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Kitten development – comprehensive discussion

Sphynx mum and kittens

In this article on kitten development, I refer to the development of the domestic cat after birth. About 70% of kittens are born nose and feet first (the so called “diving position”). They are covered in a transparent membrane (foetal membrane). The mother licks this off and eats it. The mother then severs the …

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How do mother cats wean their kittens?

Super-looking Kitten

A kitten’s mother typically starts to wean him/her in the fourth or fifth week of their life. It may be earlier if: the litter is large or; the mother is stressed or; the mother is unwell. The mother (‘queen’ in cat fancy parlance) drives the process of weaning her kittens. Dr Bradshaw says that …

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Do cats abandon their kittens if you touch them?

Newborn kitten dumped in trash can by teenagers

With reference to domestic and feral cats, mothers do not abandon their newborn kittens if you touch them. But the question opens the door to a much bigger topic and before I address that topic, I will expand on the first sentence. Most queens (intact female cat usually used for breeding) become anxious “when …

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When do domestic cats become sexually active?

6-month-old tabby female on Pets4Homes

Domestic cats become sexually active when they are nearly 12-months-of-age. However, it varies. For males the youngest sexually mature age is, unusually, six months. Some are sexually mature at 8 months but typically it is between 11-12 months. It may be longer for stray cats at 15-18 months because they are given less chance …

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