Pets Radar say that domestic cats should never drink coffee or tea. Ugh! As if!

Mmmm....delicious. Cat loves to drink a cuppa coffee in the morning!

For obvious reasons I will keep this short, perhaps very short. In my honest opinion, Pets Radar is a shameful website churning out ridiculous, clickbait articles about cats which are often frankly stupid or at least silly and sometimes plainly misleading. Their authors try to create clickbait and they don’t mind how they do …

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Beware of superlatives in relation to the cat breeds

Describing the cat breeds in terms of superlatives is often misleading

‘Superlatives’ in the context of the cat breeds are adjectives describing the: You see superlatives in respect of the cat breeds a lot because they interest people who are thinking of adopting a purebred cat. Buyers/adopters are researching the cat breeds and they want guidance. So, the website owners ask their authors to come …

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Not In The Dog House pet product online retailer is positively in the doghouse

Not In The Dog House Trust Pilot reviews

The Times has picked up on an issue which has been bugging and annoying (and worse) many consumers in the UK recently. They’ve been dealing with an online pet product trader called Not In The Dog House and they’ve received abysmal service to the point where the Trust Pilot rating is 1.3 out of …

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