History of the big cats – a summary

Palaeolithic cave paintings of European Cave Lions.

Here is a potted history of the big cats by a student of the wild cats – me. It is not meant to be overly heavy 😉. The big cats are grouped together because they can all roar. The puma (not one of the big cats) is bigger than the leopard but cannot roar …

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4th-century mosaic of leopard attacking an antelope to stay in Britain

4th century Roman mosaic of leopard attacking an antelope from Dorset, UK

It is hoped that a Roman mosaic from the 4th-century of a leopard attacking an antelope, which was discovered in the grounds of Dewlish House in Dorset in 1974, will stay in the country. It is the sort of historical work of art which should not be allowed to go overseas and which should …

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Madagascar’s ‘forest cats’ are wild tabby cats

There is an cat interesting story from sciencemag.org. It concerns Madagascar’s mysterious, small wild cat, which looks very much like a large, domestic tabby cat. This is unsurprising because the experts believe that around 1000 years ago (900 C.E.) or earlier Arabian ships may have transported domestic cats to Madagascar. There appears to be …

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Stories of Tiger Hunting

Stories of tiger hunting

Here are some stories of tiger hunting from the past; from a time when it was considered “normal” to hunt tigers for the fun of it. They are extracts from books in the public domain and courtesy of Google – thanks Google. I find these stories both fascinating and very disturbing. When looking back …

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