Why are snow leopards endangered (2022)?

Snow leopard - superb cat and background

People ask, why are snow leopards endangered? The reason is because of us. This page adds some detail to that statement and refines it. In fact, this page is about the snow leopard’s status in the wild and its conservation. The sources for this page are: Wild Cats of the World (WoW) and the …

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20 facts about the closest relations of the domestic cat

African wildcat compared with domestic cat

Intro: this page contains some opinions too! Here are 20 facts about the closest relations of the domestic cat. The Near Eastern wildcat aka North African wildcat is the ancestor of the domestic cat. There is one group of small wild cats which are very similar in appearance to the domestic cat, specifically the …

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European wildcat description – a wild-looking tabby cat

European wildcat meows

Take a domestic tabby cat, make them a little larger, make them more substantial with a thick and slightly longer and denser coat, make the tabby markings a little less pronounced and give the cat that classic, unneutered jowly appearance and you’ve got yourself a European wildcat. The same kind of description applies to …

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Cat that eats vegetation – the snow leopard – reason why


Introduction There is a cat that eats vegetation and it is the elusive and magnificent snow leopard. The experts continually remind us that cats are obligate carnivores. This means that they must eat flesh. Their short digestive tract is built for the task of processing it and not vegetation. It means that cats cannot …

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Blue Tigers – a discussion

Essay on the Tiger for Kids

There are probably three things about blue tigers that are worthy of coverage: (a) the interesting writings of an early tiger hunter and missionary, Harry R. Caldwell, which reveal a lot about us and our relationship with wild animals (b) the genetics involved and (c) the rarity of this animal. The blue tiger (Maltese …

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Picture of female Chinese mountain cat and her kittens in the wild

Chinese mountain cat and kittens

This picture of a female Chinese mountain cat and her kittens has just emerged although the date on the camera trap photograph tells me that it was taken on 19 September 2018 at 5:51 PM in the afternoon. It seems that she has made a den in the side of a hill. It seems …

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Warning to public to leave baby wildlife alone after baby mountain lion became sick after eating human food

Mountain lion kitten: Photo courtesy Twitter

The Colorado Parks and Wildlife issued a warning to the public to leave baby wildlife alone after a baby mountain lion became sick after eating bratwurst. A media statement was issued Thursday detailing what can happen when humans interfere with wild animals. A CPW officer removed the kitten from the home and it’s recovering. …

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