Animal rescuers refused access to site of Hawaiian fire to find surviving cats

This is one cat which survived the Hawaiian wildfires on the island of Maui

Animal rescue groups on the Hawaiian island of Maui are being refused access to the disaster zone to search for surviving cats. The report comes from the Daily Mail in the UK. They say that it is an exclusive. Animal rescue groups are insistent that pet cats are still hiding out in Lahaina wreckage …

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Woman lost everything in UK wildfires except her cat and she is happy

Mrs and Mr Calver

Remarkably, during the record-setting fierce temperatures last week in the UK when parts of the country suffered 40.3°C temperatures, there were wildfires in the country. These were fires started in fields which rapidly spread to houses, quickly burning them down and destroying all the contents. In Britain we are used to looking at television …

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Firefighters and cats rescued from wildfires can suffer from the same disease

Rescued cat from fire

I researched this some time ago but another study has been recently published (July 14, 2022) on the subject. The study itself is very technical but essentially what it is saying is that domestic cats and firefighters can suffer from blood clots and cardiovascular disease as a result of burns and smoke inhalation from …

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How to help prevent your cat getting lost when a wildfire approaches?

Alia Tavenner and Astro reunited

NEWS AND COMMENT: There is a story coming out of Polson, Montana, USA, about a lucky cat who escaped a wildfire. I am happy that Astro made it back to his family. He was burnt and bruised with damaged lungs and swollen paws. Some whiskers were missing. He was singed but he made it. …

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Animal rescue crew search around burnt out homes and discover a surviving cat

Rescuing a cat from a burnt out landscape in California Sept 2020

CALIFORNIA WILDFIRES 15 SEPT 2020 – CHICO: Cat lovers will be pleased to know that towards the end of this video you see a cat emerge from under a burnt out wreck of a home. I was shocked to see this animal emerge and trot away, fearful of the rescue workers. It seems almost …

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Love at first sight: Humane Society volunteer helping care for horses rescued from California fires adopts 13-year-old shelter cat

This is the happy ending story about a 13-year-old cat and the volunteer who fell in love with him at first sight. I’ve been keeping up with the devastating wildfires in California and posted a story on PoC on November 12 about the Humane Society of Ventura County (located in Ojai) needing both volunteers …

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San Francisco SPCA asked for donations and received $162,000 in 3 days!

Cats and dogs need reuniting with owners after rescue from Calif wildfires

The amount raised went up $300 during the time it took me to write this post. The target was $100,000. This is awesome and demonstrates the generosity of kind hearted people concerned with the welfare of companion animals lost and injured in the Camp Fire, California. I am sure I will have to adjust …

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