The world is not big enough for wild wolves and greedy people

Wolf versus human sadly because the wolf needs more space than we can give them

There isn’t enough space on the planet it seems to me to re-wild nature with wolves because there’s always an animal-human conflict at the end of the process. You will see many stories of rewilding exercises in Europe normally wolves and bears. And you’ll also see the resultant conflict between these animals and people …

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Domestic dogs and cats have smaller brains than wild wolves and wildcats because of domestication

In general domestic dogs have smaller brains relative to body size compared to wild wolves

It is no surprise to me and perhaps others that both domestic dogs and cats have smaller brains than their wild cousins from whom they have descended: the grey wolf for dogs and the Eurasian wildcat for cats. The reason is obvious: domestication, which has removed the challenges for survival and the lesser need …

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Mountain lion versus wolf: who’d win?

A young male mountain lion (follow the red arrow) in northwest Wyoming just pushed off his kill by the wolf in the foreground

The question is perhaps a little fanciful because in reality the wolf is dominant over the mountain lion as they are a pack animal. It seems that the wolf drives away the puma as they are outnumbered by a pack of wolves. They scare pumas. Wolves are dominant to pumas in most encounters as …

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