Is it safe for domestic cats to eat flies?

Cat and fly

My conclusion is that it is probably safe for a domestic cat to occasionally eat a fly. Domestic cats won’t eat lots of flies because they are a minor prey item for them. This helps to minimise the potential of ingesting of pathogens and toxins that may be on flies. Please read on. Prey …

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How do I know if my cat has tapeworms?

Cat tapeworm segments and whole worms

Normally, cat guardians have suspicions (or know for certain depending on their level of knowledge) that their cat has tapeworms when they see tapeworm body segments containing eggs in their (1) cat’s faeces or (2) vomit or (3) on the fur surrounding their cat’s anus. The tapeworm body segments are called proglottids. When they …

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Cat deworming – with a comprehensive list of treatments

Caveat on cat deworming: Deworming agents are poisonous drugs that are designed to kill parasites and not hurt the cat but the cat needs to be well enough to cope with the treatment particularly if a kitten is infested. Kittens should be otherwise well and de-stressed. Kittens are commonly infested with ascarids but just …

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Europeans do not deworm their cats often enough

Feline round and tapeworms

The cat roundworm Toxocara cati can infect humans as well. In other words your cat could transmit a roundworm infestation to you1. Although, to the best of my knowledge, it is relatively rare. Europeans are recommended to administer monthly deworming pills to dogs and cats under the European Scientific Council Companion Animal Parasites (ESCCAP) …

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