Shocking animal cruelty exposed at Papanack Zoo, Ottawa

Animal abuse at zoo

Papanack is a roadside zoo in Ottawa, the capital of Canada. Let’s just think about that for a minute. In the capital of Canada there is a zoo where animals are routinely abused; damn it, I’d say some are tortured. This is part of the story. Perhaps more serious is the fact that Ontario …

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Live Donkey Is Fed to Tigers at a Zoo in China

Live Donkey Is Fed to Tigers at a Zoo in China

The Times newspaper tells us that there is a gruesome video online which shows a live donkey being fed to tigers at a zoo in eastern China. The video has gone viral. Once again we are in a debate about the attitude of the Chinese government towards animal welfare. Perhaps most of the world …

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Do zoos help conservation?

Do zoos help with conservation?

It seems to me that there are three ways that zoos might be able to help conservation. These are: Educate the public about conservation Breed wild animals and then release them into the wild Employ scientists who do research and who run studies which enhances our knowledge of the wild animal species which in …

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Amur Tiger Loves Chanel Perfume

Tiger smells perfume

Howlett’s Wild Animal Park, Canterbury, UK is enriching the environment of their big cats by spraying perfume onto the ground. This creates a blob of scent which is interesting to a big cat such as a tiger. In this way, their environment is enriched and more closely corresponds to the wild where cats are …

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