Tails of the Riverbank!!!

Tails of the Riverbank!!!

by SusanJ
(Amarante, Portugal)

Safira finds her human on the river bank !

Safira finds her human on the river bank !

Safira finds her human on the river bank ! I love my mummy!! Saffy hunting in the garden!

I was found by our beautiful little Sealpoint, near a little café shack on a river beach not far from our house here in Portugal. She just appeared....and was immediately scooped up by the girl running the café.

I went over to stroke her and admire her and the girl thought she was mine! Safira Sapphire in Portuguese came straight to me chatting away at once! She was so small ... and we decided to take her home as she wouldn't have survived out on her own - she was around 10 weeks we guess... more or less and weighed just 780g or 1 and 3/4 lbs.

After meeting our big, and over friendly white dog Bracken, who was hissed and spat at, she 'managed' to eat the tiny morsel of tuna we fed her as it was night and we weren't expecting Siamese kittens! While she ate - we put a small bowl down with some soil in for her litter tray .. and she promptly shocked us by using it instantly !

We took her to the vet who checked her for a microchip which she didn't have, so he chipped her for us and gave her her jabs saying she was very healthy and beautiful! She was so good there and not a bit phased! I think she will actually like the visits to the vet!

She is a friendly and loving little soul, who runs up to us in the mornings and 'dabs' gently at our faces whilst 'kissing' our noses! She loves to cuddle and sit on my lap sucking my inner elbow! She really is a baby!

Safira is going to be very vocal .. as she squeaks and calls from all over the place! She loves to go walking onto our balcony and around the garden wearing her halter and lead ...She has never been bothered by it one bit! She still also thinks climbing up my legs is acceptable behaviour... and my legs have little red scratches to prove it !

We have had her just four weeks ... and it feels like we have been owned forever!!


Hi Susan... thanks for visiting and sharing from Portugal.

You are both lucky to have each other. Safira sounds as if she is going to be a classic adult Siamese cat with her vocalisations. She may have been weaned a bit too early as she is still nursing on your arm.

She seems extremely well behaved and I am so pleased that she has found a great forever home.

For visitors the map below tells us were Amarante, Portugal is:

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From Tails of the Riverbank!!! to Modern Siamese cat

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Tails of the Riverbank!!!

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Nov 26, 2010
Wolly Bear
by: Lola (Minnepolis)

I just put my beloved male Siamese to rest he was 14 years old very lovable soft but had cancer and blood clots had him quickly he will be missed deeply rest in peace

Oct 07, 2010
Thank you
by: Ruth

Another lovely story and photos to brighten my day.
Thank you so much.

Kattaddorra signature Ruth

Oct 06, 2010
Safira adopted You!
by: Gail (Boston, MA USA)

What a great story! It's so wonderful to hear stories of how felines 'find' their humans. It's true...they adopt us, not the other way around!

I'd love to see photos of her and your dog together. I'd bet that would be some fabulous photo ops.

Oct 06, 2010
Heart warming
by: Leah (England)

What a lovely 'tail'!
She beautiful and seems very intelligent I bet she's so glad she found you.
How does she get on with your huge pooch now?

Would love to see some photo's of her when she's older.

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